DARI PERPISAHAN KOLONIAL KE PERJUANGAN NASIONAL BERSAMA Sejarah Singkat Hubungan Islam-Kristen di Indonesia (±1520-1949)
Islam-Christian relations, colonization, policy of apartheid, historyAbstract
In 1492 Spain citizens were obliged to be Catholic. Islam and theJews became their enemies. Then Spain-Portugal began to surround andcolonize the world as well as Indonesia for the sake of Commerce. At theend of the 16th century the Netherlands, Protestants, took over the Commercewith the VOC. The VOC distinguished between ‘Christians’ Netherlandsand ‘Islam’. In 1799 the VOC went bankrupt, the Dutch Governmentruled the Netherlands East Indies and the Netherlands still separatedChristianity (superior) and Islam. Between 1811-1816 the United Kingdombegan with missionary activities in Java. After that the Dutch separated ordifferentiated between three kinds of people: the Europeans (Christian),the Eastern foreigners and the natives. Each of them had to follow theirown (religious) laws. At the beginning of the 20th century the Governmentactively encouraged Christianization in Indonesia to fi ght Islamic nationalistmovements. During the Japanese occupation Indonesia’s independencewas prepared and after the proclamation of independence all Indonesiansfought together against the Netherlands. During the colonization Islam andChristianity were separated in Indonesia, with the result, that these tworeligions till now still searching for good harmonious relations to build abetter Indonesian society.Downloads
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