PAULUS DAN PEREMPUAN Suatu Kajian Terhadap 1 Korintus 14:33B-36
Paul, women, meeting of the congregation, doctrine, churchAbstract
In the history of the Church, until now, people often use 1 Corinthians14:33b-36 as a theological reason to prohibit and limit the involvement ofwomen in the church, for example, in the Orthodox Church, the RomanCatholic Church, and some Protestant Churches. For a long time womencouldn’t become ministers and they newly got that permission in the1990s. The church pointed to Paul, as a famous apostle, to legitimate thisprohibition. Its consequence was that people considered as anti women andanti feminism, which is contradictory with his statement in Galatians 3:28. Inrelation to this view, some exegetes try to “save” Paul with their statementsthat this text is not from Paul. But other exegetes are convinced this text isauthentic from Paul. They show some words, used by Paul, which are typicalfor him. This article can help us to see, whether this text is really from Paulor not, and also whether Paul is anti women or not. Finally we hope that therewill be a change of thinking about the role of women in the church.Downloads
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