Amanat Kasih sebagai Ciri Bersama Islam-Kristiani: Sebuah Tanggapan Teologis Kontekstual Protestan


  • Emanuel Gerrit Singgih


The Oneness of God, love as common ground, the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Bible, the Prophet Muhammad, the Lord Jesus, justice and peace, positive and negative responses, the problem of the Trinity, kesatuan Allah, kasih sebagai dasar bersama


This article is a rewriting of description and analysis of the document A Common Word Between Us and You, published in 2007 by 138 Muslim religious leaders, scholars, and intellectuals, concerning Love as common ground between Muslims and Christians. They are followed by positive Protestant theological responses which are considered as proper in the context of religious plurality in Indonesia. Keywords: The Oneness of God, love as common ground, the Holy Qur’an,the Holy Bible, the Prophet Muhammad, the Lord Jesus, justice and peace,positive and negative responses, the problem of the Trinity.



Tulisan ini adalah penulisan ulang dari deskripsi dan analisis terhadap dokumen A Common Word Between Us and You, yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2007 oleh 138 ulama, pakar, dan intelektual Muslim, mengenai Kasih sebagai dasar yang sama, baik bagi agama Islam maupun agama Kristiani. Deskripsi dan analisis ini disusul dengan tanggapan-tanggapan teologis Protestan yang positif dan dirasakan tepat dalam konteks kepelbagaian agama di Indonesia.


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