Al-Andalus di Bawah Kekuasaan Daulah Umayyah di Cordoba (756-1031): Suatu Masyarakat Pluralistik yang Beradab
Sejarah Al-Andalus di bawah Islam, Cordoba, masyarakat sipil pluralistik, agama-agama Abraham, kebudayaan Arab, kerukunanAbstract
This article gives a description of the development of Islamic al-Andalus between 756 dan 1031. In the European history this period is normally described as the ‘Dark Middle Ages’. The society in al-Andalus was build through a good cooperation of the three Abrahamic Religions, Yudaisme, Christianity and Islam, which shared a common Arabic culture. The result was the flowering of architecture, science, culture and prosperity. At that time Cordoba was the splendid centre of Al-Andalus. Cordoba competed with Baghdad, Constantinopel, Alexandria (Egypt) to become the centre of the civilized world in this Enlightenment period of the Islam. Far before Eropa started its cultural development during the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, Islamic Spain was already a high civilised pluralistic society. May be in this reformation period in Indonesia, Al-Andalus can become a source of inspiration for Indonesia to become also a modern pluralistic civil society, which is build together by the members of different religions, which highly respect one another and are fully engaged to cooperate with one another for the well being of all Indonesian citizens.Downloads
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