RELEVANSI ETIKA CALVIN BAGI KONTEKS INDONESIA ABAD 21 Sebuah Kontribusi dalam Rangka Peringatan 500 tahun Calvin
Calvin, etika ekonomi, legalisme, nasib orang miskinAbstract
The contribution of John Calvin in Christian economic ethics is in fact more than whatassumed in the sociological theory of Max Weber. Calvin supported the productive ethic ofthe Genevan business community and understood the importance of finance and commercialactivities. Yet, based on the Decalogue, he took a firm stand that business practices must becarried out with fairness and honesty. He also insisted that business had to result in theimprovement of societal life. Any kind of business worsening the life of the poor could not bejustified. Calvin practiced a simple, disciplined lifestyle and ordered the people of Geneva togive up lavishness and to reduce leisure. His over-reliance on the law approach, however, ledto legalism that proved to be intolerant to those considered heresy and immoral.Downloads
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